Conference Tracks

2025 NACCHO360 Conference Tracks

Conference Session Types:

  • Pre-Conference Workshop – 120 Minutes
    • Maximum of 3 speakers
    • Rooms is usually set in rounds
    • Quick Hits – 45 minutes
  • PHI*con only
    • Maximum of 2 speakers
    • Room will be set in theater
  • Poster Session – 90 Minutes
    • Maximum of 2 speakers
    • Poster boards will be oriented horizontally 4’ tall by 8 ‘ wide
  • Sharing Session – 60 Minutes
    • Maximum of 3 speakers
    • Rooms will be set in theatre
  • Sharing Session – 90 Minutes
    • Maximum of 3 speakers
    • Rooms will be set in theatre or rounds
  • Sponsored Session - 60 Minutes
    • For-profit and non-profit organizations
    • Maximum of 3 speakers
    • Room will be set in theater or rounds

*Please note: Each abstract is meant to fill the entire session time for the respective session type.

Conference Tracks:

  • Behavioral/Mental Health 
  • Communication/Marketing/Messaging
  • Health Equity & Social Determinants of Health
  • Informatics, Surveillance, & IT
  • Public Health Services and Services Integration and Evaluation
  • Workforce & Leadership
  • Public Health Law & Policy
  • Public Health Protection & Response


Behavioral & Mental Health 
• Domestic Violence/Mental Health Related Aspects
• Injury and Violence Prevention
• Substance Use – Trafficking
• Brain Health / Healthy Aging 
• PH implications of Cannabis Legalization 
• Tobacco & E-Cigarettes
• Alcohol 
• Opioids 
• Overdose Prevention
• Harm Reduction

• Risk Communication
• Social Marketing - Media
• Health Education
• Misinformation
• Communications Campaigns 
• Educating Policymakers (this is communications, but via a government affairs lens)
Note: Communications is an art as much as it is a set of skills. In judging communications, 
marketing, and messaging, we recognize that additional benchmarks should be considered in 
judging communications abstracts. Aside from quantitative considerations, judges will consider 
overall creativity; effectiveness in reaching and broadening audiences; and, in cases in which the 
campaign may need fine-tuning and adjustments to reach a campaign’s goals, the ability of health 
department staff to swiftly make these changes will also be a consideration. 

Health Equity & Social Determinants of Health 
• Environmental Justice
• Community Health Assessment
• Community Participatory Research
• Social Determinants of Health
• Health Impact Assessment
• Health in all Policies (HiAP)
• Diversity and Culture

Informatics, Surveillance, & IT 
• Artificial Intelligence/CHAT GPT
• Data Systems/Data Science 
• Cybersecurity
• Web Design / UX / Accessibility
• IT Infrastructure
• Project Management (Technical / Digital)
• EHR, Telehealth, Data Governance
• Innovations and Novel Applications
• Informatics-Based Solutions to Laboratory Informatics
• Public Health Surveillance and Data
• Data Modernization

Public Health Services and Services Integration and Evaluation 
• Violence and Injury Prevention
• Diet, Nutrition, Obesity
• Maternal and Child Health
• Breastfeeding
• Chronic Disease
• Immigrant and refugee health 
• Disability inclusion and health of people with disabilities
• Accessibility
• Dental
• Rural Health
• Tribal Health
• Ethics
• Advocacy

Workforce & Leadership
• How LHD teams are structured 
• Performance Management
• Workforce Development
• Planning/Strategic Planning
• Governance
• Accreditation
Public Health Law & Policy
Public Health Protection & Response
• Epidemiology 
• Emergency Preparedness
• Environmental Health
• Communicable Disease
• Occupational Healt